In the early 1990s a unified voice for the Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Sector gained momentum with more than 50 organisations and groups across Queensland forming an alliance called QMAH.
How we helped
Project brief​
The QAMH works with the Day to Day Living Program providers across Australia, federally funded by the Department of Health​
The rollout of the NDIS and the impact on the funding continuity for these providers was creating uncertainty​
The client was seeking assistance to empower providers to take an action-orientated approach to their NDIS readiness
Our Solution​s
Worked with QAMH to scope the project:​
Engage six D2DL program providers nationally​
Develop a program of NDIS readiness​
Deliver the program and analyse the impact​
Develop tools to support all D2DL providers​
Report on findings at national forum​
The tools included an Infographic, and a process flow diagram to inform project planning​
Engagement with front line staff to understand the impacts of the new market on their roles, the people they are supporting and the importance of understanding eligibility
Value delivered​
National conference engagement enabled all providers to learn from design process​
Tools empowered providers to understand the NDIS readiness process and impact on their organisation​
Continuing access to support in using the tools, and review of marketing and project planning has provided certainty for providers as they embark on their NDIS readiness plans