Welcome to the last newsletter of 2018. It has been an incredible year for the team, and I am immensely proud of the outcomes we have achieved for our customers over the last 12 months.
Please find following a snapshot of our work for the last 3 months. If any of these stories resonate with your strategies for this year, and you would like to learn more about our services, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Also, please visit our website for more information about our team and services here: Social Scaffolding
Queenslanders with Disability Network
Ange from the Social Scaffolding team also works with Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) on their Peer to Peer Advocacy project. Many people with disability in Queensland are without access to support (informal or formal) to help them understand and move through the stages of the NDIS access journey. This project provides advocacy and support to people with disability to help them navigate the complex pathway around access to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Social Enterprise Replication A successful smash repair social enterprise is looking to replicate and expand into Qld. Ange and Andrew are working with partners at the table including an insurance provider, state government, a national large NGO and the national theft reduction peak. There is more work to do to align the objectives and funding, but an exciting opportunity to replicate a proven employment model and re-direct a young person’s passion for cars – from theft to repair.
Pro Bono Conference Andrew MC’d the 2nd Annual Australian Pro Bono & Skills Based Volunteering Summit in Sydney again this Year. The summit was organised by Resonate Consulting, and supported by Macquarie Foundation and Westpac. The summit included a range of influential corporates and providers sharing their wealth of experience. Andrew will again represent Resonate at the Asia Pacific summit, this time in Beijing, having been to the Global Summit in Mumbai earlier this year to talk about Shared Value and how Pro Bono can create mutual benefit for corporates and NGO’s.
Marketing Services and Support
Social Scaffolding has been working with two social enterprises to provide dedicated marketing support and mentoring. These organisations did not have the existing internal capacity or skills to undertake this essential role so Social Scaffolding has provided this support. This has entailed scanning the market for likely customers, establishing initial contact and then converting the leads into sales opportunities. Social Scaffolding has provided part time support to these organisations - a more efficient investment than employing internal resources.
Strategic Planning
James from Social Scaffolding is supporting a medical research centre with its strategic planning activities, working with senior executives to align behind a purpose, define ‘where to play’ and ‘how to win’ and express this in an operating model and a portfolio of strategic projects. The centre is in a high-growth phase, quickly expanding in number of researchers and funding success. Its success has been based on its focus on working beside medical and health practitioners and developing pragmatic research outcomes that can be applied in practice. The research deliverable's focus on improving health outcomes for patients along with creating improvements in operating efficiencies. This is an ongoing project that has the potential to move into the delivery phase of the strategic projects and demonstrate Social Scaffolding’s ability to work at both the strategic and operational levels with clients.
Homelessness Project
We worked with Micah Projects to submit a successful application to the Dignity First fund. Micah will work with people in West End and nearby areas, via the “Community Connections, Employment Mentoring Pathways” project, providing the necessary pathways for people to be mentored and supported when engaging with the Hope St café. The people who will participate and benefit have experienced homelessness and long term unemployment as well as local residents interested in volunteering.
And speaking of Pro Bono, we worked on the following projects in our Pro Bono capacity.
Mu’ooz – project managed and wrote funding submission to state government to provide employment pathways for up to 40 refugee women facing barriers to employmentQSEC – leveraged funding relationship to then write funding application to enable state-wide growth of social enterprise advocacy and education groupiLabs – Qld University selection panel for program participants, and then available for mentoring to organisations identified as having a social impact. It was fantastic to see a social impact business win this years Shane Chidgzey Young Entrepreneurs Prize award competing against 10 other businesses.
Upcoming Events
Please contact us for more information on the following: Asia Pacific Pro Bono Summit - 1 December