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  • Writer's pictureSocial Scaffolding

Project Updates April to July 2018

Social Scaffolding has already had a busy year, with new clients and new team members joining. The following is a snapshot of our work so far this year. If any of these stories resonate with your strategies, and you would like to learn more about our services, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Team Update

James from the Social Scaffolding team leads a social enterprise - Second Shot which has made it through to the final 6 of Sunsuper’s latest round of funding under their Dreams for a Better World program. If you have seen Second Shot in action, or just love coffee when it tastes good and does great social change, follow this link  and click vote!

Tender Submission

Social Scaffolding was recently engaged by a Peak Body in the community services space to assist in responding to a major Federal government funding initiative. Andrew and Stephen took responsibility for researching and developing not only the tender document but also the underlying solution including developing the appropriate processes and procedures to back up the proposal.Financial

Reviews Social Scaffolding has also recently undertaken a financial analysis and review of a major NFP's financial reporting process. Stephen reviewed the reporting processes and procedures and undertook benchmarking of key financial ratios for the organisation against other organisations in the NFP sector. The final report was used to reassure their Board that the organisation was in robust health and outline differences in reporting for NFP's and other For-Profit businesses. Several recommendations were also made to improve the reporting process and outcomes.

Small Snippets

Supporting the Brisbane Alliance to End Homelessness We continued our support of the evolution of the 500L 500H campaign to end homelessness in Brisbane,  MC’ing the launch of the Brisbane Alliance to End Homelessness (BAEH). Micah Projects continues their dedication and commitment to this crucial work as the backbone, and close to 30 organisations have signed their commitment to the strategy.

SVP masterclass and measurement document As part of the Shared Value Summit in April this year, Andrew co-presented the Day 2 Masterclass with Phil Preston. The Masterclass focused on “Unlocking shared value success for your organisation”. Phil and Andrew then released a Shard Value Measurement Guide that can be found on the Shared Value Project website under resources. (

SVP Qld “conversation” Immediately following the summit, we hosted a Queensland Shared Value conversation with the support of Bendigo Bank. This is an opportunity to hear from peers in Qld on their work in the Shared Value sector, along with highlights from the summit. Be sure to email us if you would like to be included in the next Conversation we host. (

TFN selection panel and funds raised The Funding Network (TFN) hosted their 3rd fundraising event in Brisbane on the 31st May. Andrew was part of the initial selection panel and was thrilled to see $120,000 raised for the 3 organisations: Happy Paws, Happy Hearts, Pathways to Resilience and A Brave Life.

Project Showcase

Developed 3 year strategy and business case for Qld peak body.

Social Scaffolding supported a Qld state peak to develop a 3 year strategy and business case to provide peak body services for the women’s sector in Queensland. The strategy and business case were delivered to the Queensland government and is currently under consideration for funding over the period of the plan.

Ange and James worked closely with the peak’s management team to develop and fine-tune a strategic direction, goals and objectives to measure how the organisation is progressing with its strategic aims, articulate and refine four strategic pillars and programs, and to formulate a budget to support the delivery of the programs. The deliverables of the project makes for a simple to follow and simple to implement set of guidelines and processes, with detailed budgets and project planning to support the required funding commitment.

Enterprise Development

Social Scaffolding has been involved in an exciting project initiated by NDS and CSIA. Stage one of the project involved Shari conducting a market sounding and research, gauging interest from disability service organisations in creating a new source of capital for the sector to utilise for investment in specific projects. The concept involves capital from disability service organisations being pooled in a Fund with the Fund then lending out the capital to other organisations in the sector to support business or asset building projects. As direct Government funding diminishes and the NDIS is implemented nation-wide, alternative sources of capital will be needed to support the growth and long term sustainability of the disability sector. The disability sector pooled fund may form a large part of the solution to accessing capital. Social Scaffolding in conjunction with CSIA and NDS will be presenting the findings of the market sounding and concepts developed at an upcoming event in Q3 2018. Stay tuned to the Social Scaffolding website and the CSIA newsletter for further details. 

Around Town

The Don Dunstan Foundation presents the 2018 Homelessness Conference - Sharing Solutions to End Homelessness. Andrew is presenting on the Brisbane Alliance to End Homelessness experiences, and sitting on the national update panel at the start of the day.

The Qld Alliance for Mental Health is coordinating the Community Events Grant Program for Queensland Mental Health Week 2018, and Andrew will again be on the evaluation panel in August.

NDS are hosting a webinar series on ADEs and their procurement opportunities. Representing Hamilton Consulting, Andrew will be presenting on the 21st August about “How to Shine on Procurement Panels”.

SIMNA Qld will be hosting a breakfast on the 28th August with CSI and yourtown, on the theme of long-term unemployed young people with complex needs.

Project Showcase - Transition to Success (T2S) “Future State” Planning

Transition to Success (T2S) is a program solely funded and delivered by Youth Justice in Queensland, under the Department of Child Safety, Youth Justice and Women. T2S provides an alternative education and occupational training program for young people aged 15+ who are at risk of entering or are involved in the youth justice system. Preliminary evidence indicates that T2S is delivering positive outcomes in reducing recidivism for young people involved in the program. Youth Justice is looking to diversify its current approach to create a broader reach across Queensland and long-term sustainability. Youth Justice engaged Ange and Andrew to help identify how T2S could move to a “future state”, of being a program within a separate entity or a separate entity itself with engagement from both government and other sectors. Social Scaffolding worked with Youth Justice and Mater Hospital representatives to review and refine the existing program logic model, identify suitable, alternative and ready governance structures and discuss how the new “future state” could be tested. Recommendations were provided to Youth Justice about how T2S could diversify its governance and funding approach.  Youth Justice are now holding further discussions within and outside government to test the “future state”. 


A lot of activity in the DES and ADE markets is occurring right now. Social Scaffolding has a depth of expertise and knowledge in these markets including marketing and growing the ‘business’ as well as marketing and growing supported employee opportunities. Andrew presented at the Disability at Work conference in June on behalf of Hamilton Consulting. And with social enterprise procurement now on the Queensland government radar this is an exciting time for all social businesses. A big congratulations to Nundah Coop celebrating their 20th year of business.

And finally..........

ADE, SE and DES – watch this space!

Social Scaffolding is well position to support organisations considering social enterprise or reviewing how to grow their social enterprise, ADE or supported employment services. Across the team we have reviewed more than 500 social enterprises, funded or supported capacity building for over 150 social enterprises, invested in/ divested from, or acquired a significant number of ADE’s and we would welcome the opportunity of sharing our experiences.

This financial year will be crucial for all current and future providers.

With changes in the ADE and DES marketplace starting this financial year, see this link :

And significant milestones occurring in Queensland social procurement opportunities, see this link:

With opportunity comes risk - this is great cautionary comments by Ruth McCambridge:


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