At the Inclusive Employment Movement we are committed to breaking down
barriers to meaningful employment for people with disabilities.
Join us for an interactive workshop with like-minded organisations to share
experiences and practical strategies to attract and retain people of all abilities in
your workplace.
Our first interactive workshop will feature:
Rona McLean-Carmody, Strategic Executive Leader on the Brisbane City Council’s Inclusion Blueprint and how the organisation benefi ts from the innovation that diversity brings and the advantages that inclusion creates.
UnitingCare Queensland’s Project SEARCH, a transition to work program for young people with a disability to learn transferable work skills via a 12 month intensive internship program which takes place in large service organisations such as hospitals, universities, banks and aged care facilities.
IEM Engagement Session facilitated by Tracey McFarland, Goodstart Early Learning’s Chief Experience Officer.
Wednesday 14 July 2021
9am – 11am.
Troocoo boardroom
Level 1, 100 Creek Street, Brisbane 4000.
Friday 9 July 2021 to