The team at Holy Cross Services have been delivering high-quality, professional laundry and cleaning solutions for over 100 years. They pride themselves on being an Equal Opportunity Employer and a proactive proponent of providing people with an intellectual disability the opportunity to gain meaningful employment.
How we helped
Project brief​
Holy Cross Laundry (HCL) is a subsidiary of the Mercy Sisters and is a commercial laundry servicing hospital and aged care facilities in South East Queensland​
HCL has over 200 employees, of which 58 are supported employees who work in an integrated work place​
The NDIS market place will place the 58 supported employees in a competitive environment and HCL needs to understand and prepare for this shift to ensure there is continuity for production and to protect revenue streams​
Develop a marketing plan focusing on attraction and retention strategies and activities by conducting a three phased approach:​
Assess external factors and internal capabilities that can be leveraged in the plan​
Develop customer-centric strategies
Define an activity plan, budget and KPIs​ Factors to consider in the development of the plan include NDIS pricing schedule, customer personas and needs, key channels and partners, customer journey, delivery capabilities, HCL competitive positioning and messaging
Value delivered​
The heavy collaborative approach used to manage the project ensured that key stakeholders were involved in analysis, implication definition and decision-making, and took full ownership of the recommendations and plans​
New frameworks that take a customer perspective to planning key business strategies were shared and adopted by the business​
The business has fully adopted a plan that provides clarity on goals and objectives, through to monthly activity plans and the capabilities required to deliver upon the plan’s long-term ambitions